Coming soon - Magic Mirror Journal Pages! Wanderlust Ink & Tome is partnering with The Realm of Stars and Spells to bring you an enchanting tool for that most potent of magic - self-reflection. Lovingly crafted by Snow White and Rose Red, these printable .pdf pages are available in two sets - a set with inspirational quotes by Snow White and Rose Red, and a more silent set of illustrated blank pages. Use them to reflect, and don't underestimate their power, for magic always begins within you...

Coming soon - Magic Mirror Journal Pages! Wanderlust Ink & Tome is partnering with The Realm of Stars and Spells to bring you an enchanting tool for that most potent of magic - self-reflection. Lovingly crafted by Snow White and Rose Red, these printable .pdf pages are available in two sets - a set with inspirational quotes by Snow White and Rose Red, and a more silent set of illustrated blank pages. Use them to reflect, and don't underestimate their power, for magic always begins within you...

Welcome our newest author to the Wanderlust Ink Press family! She is coauthoring a nonfiction book with Silvara Snow and we are all teaming up with sister press The Realm of Stars and Spells to bring you a book on empowerment.

Rosalind Redd is a whimsical wordsmith and enchantress extraordinaire, weaving tales of Low-key Magic with a delightful fairytale twist. As a devoted witch, Rosalind finds solace in the art of brewing potions, savoring the aroma of tea leaves, and indulging in the world of delectable baked goods. With her trusty quill in hand, she brings to life captivating stories that transport readers to realms where magic dances in the shadows and wonders lurk in every corner.

When she's not concocting spells or crafting intricate potion bottles and chasing her little witchling around, Rosalind can be found nestled in her cozy writing nook, surrounded by shelves brimming with ancient tomes and magical trinkets. Her work reflects a deep appreciation for the quiet moments of life, where everyday miracles and mystical encounters intertwine.

Step into Rosalind's world, where tea is a catalyst for enchantment, and baked goods hold the power to ignite the imagination. Through her evocative prose and captivating storytelling, she invites readers to embark upon an extraordinary journey.

So, pour yourself a cup of tea, savor a freshly baked treat, and allow Rosalind Redd to guide you through a world where Low-key Magic reigns supreme. Embrace the charm and wonder she effortlessly infuses into her stories. Let her transport you to a realm where dreams are spun, and enchantment awaits around every corner.

Silvara Snow is Rosalind’s coauthor for Snow White & Rose Red’s Book of Magic.